Sunday, May 18, 2008

Living Rock -- Preparing to Go Global

Please help us pray for an opportunity to plant a church in Singapore. One of our pastors will be migrating to Singapore soon and will (God willing) start a church there. We are praying to reach out (mainly, but not limited) to the Filipino OFW/OCW communities there. We need you to help us pray for:

1. Direction
2. Wisdom
3. Passion
4. Power
5. Receptive people
6. Finances
7. Boldness
8. Resources
9. Support

Thank you very much to all our Prayer Partners. God bless and more power!

Living Rock Philippines

The Living Rock Church
A Small Church with Endless Possibilities

Thursday, May 15, 2008

China Needs Our Prayers...

The death toll from the last earthquake may reach 50,000! More than 65,000 have been reported wounded in the disaster. Pray that this catastrophe will be used by God to turn the hearts of the Chinese people toward Jesus Christ.

Pray that many nations will come to the aid of the Chinese people.

Pray that this will be an opening for the mass evangelization of China.

Pray that God will visit China with peace and comfort in the midst of the turmoil and suffering.

Same Sex Marriages in Californa Approved!?

Please help us pray that the court's decision to permit same-sex marriages in California will be appealed and overturned in favor of the traditional marriage (one man, one woman). This decision is outrageous!

California has become the "unofficial gay capital" of the US. Because the decision to permit same-sex marriages does not have a requirement for residency, gays from other states will come flocking to California to get "married." We must not forget what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah in ancient times.

If you read this, don't waste time -- get on your knees and pray against such perversions!
(Photos from Associated Press)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Church Planting

Please help us pray for ANGELINA and RAYMUNDO SOBRETODO who are currently (May 2008) endeavoring to plant at least five (5) churches in five locations. Pray that they can raise up around 100 volunteer worker to assist in the work. Thank you.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Filipino Pastors in California

Pastors Eugene and Nelly Montilla are both from Iloilo but are currently in California, USA, pastoring a Four Square Church. Pastor Eugene was one of Pastor Norman's mentors in the early months of his Christian walk. Eugene and Nelly have a growing ministry which is focused on the Family (and not just on one segment of society). They need our prayers as they labor with the Lord in their area. They need a permanent place of worship and the funds to purchase the place. Their church also needs more leaders, especially in the area of the pastorate. Pray for spiritual and numerical growth. They are planning to plant other churches. Pray that God will enable them to do so. Thank you very much for your prayers.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Planting a New Congregation in Manila

Please pray for Pastor Glenn Arellano (center, red long sleeves) of His Life Ministries for he is going to start a new church in Manila. Pray for successful ministry in a new area, receptivity of the people, and that he can quickly raise up leaders to help him in doing God's work. God bless you pastor Glenn! You are always in our prayers.

Preaching the Gospel where it was Never Heard Before

Our missionary to Laos-Cambodia, WARREN ARAGONA, is going to launch into his most perilous mission ever. According to him, he is going to a very remote place where there is no electricity, store, or transportation. He will need all the prayer support he can get. We at the Living Rock Church have committed and have been praying for Warren three times a week (Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday). Please support him with your prayers too! If you can't go, you can pray. Thank you very much.